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Deck River

Rockhouse Lodge

Hatfield House

Deck River
*Large Groups Welcome Rent an Entire Property
* Cable TV
*Direct Trail Access
* Onsite Gas Grill
*Trail Passes Available
*Gas-Food-Trail Access
*Small or Large Groups

Welcome Trail Riders!!
Rockhouse Lodge and The Depot Lodge in Man, WV. Guests may ride their ATVs directly to the Rockhouse Trailhead of the Hatfield McCoy ATV Trail System. Check-in, drop your trailer, and ride your ATV, UTV or motorcycle directly to one of the local businesses in the town of Man. Businesses include gas, food, bar and grill, and sporting goods. The Rockhouse Trailhead is connected to three trail systems: Rockhouse, Devil Anse, and Buffalo Mountain Trails. These systems make up 300+ miles of trails and five towns which include Man, Gilbert, Matewan, Delbarton and Williamson. You can also ride directly to the Devil Anse Cemetery.
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